I was looking at the Oriental Trading website and came across some rainbow crayons (they are sticks with 5 or 6 colors in each stick). I thought they were sorta expensive, so I did search online and came across a blog of someone who made their own crayons out of old ones. What parent doesn't have a bunch of old, beat up crayons that they don't know what to do with? All you do is peel off the paper and break them into approx 1 inch pieces. Then you put them into the oven at 250 for about 15 minutes (or until all the wax is melted). I put mine into those foil cupcake wrappers. Then, let them cool for about 20 minutes or so and pop them out of the container/wrapper. Voila!! You have your own rainbow crayons. The girl from the blog used star shaped foil cupcake wrappers.
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